“I joined CoreFit late in 2018 for a few reasons. One was that I found I had lost the ability to jump. Even though I thought I was healthy and fit, this simple activity was no longer in my repertoire. The other reason was my fear of breaking a bone. Statistics confirm that 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 will break a bone and often this can be life changing.
The ageing process is an odd one, and as I am nearing retirement, I knew I had to do something. I have never been strong especially in my arms, so my aim was to become stronger and fitter so that I could mange the ageing process easier and also be fit and healthy to enjoy my impending grandchildren (one on the way – yay!).
When I joined I had no idea of the type of exercises that I would be doing and the effects they would have. The equipment I saw at CoreFit was a little strange as well and I really wondered how these would help me to achieve my goals, but I am amazed at the results. I attend classes twice a week and have always been careful with my diet, so strength was the aim.
When I started I had great ‘tuckshop’ arms, or flubberdubberers of whatever they are called. I never thought I could reduce them but I now have these little bumps I call Biceps and the flabby bits have been greatly reduced.
The battle ropes still give me grief and I am really missing them during the online classes. It took me a while have the confidence to do push ups on my toes, but one week with Dan’s encouragement, I took the plunge and can now do 10 in a row. I feel so much better for doing these classes and maintaining the strength and fitness that I have achieved and hope to achieve in the future.
The trainers provide so much encouragement and they treat everyone like a family. It is a great gym to belong to and I am pleased that I took the step and joined.
I’d also like to say to everyone who has lost weight and transformed themselves, congratulations! I hope everyone is well and look forward to seeing you all after the lockdown has been lifted.”
Fran Munt.