“Since joining Corefit in 2017, I’m pretty sure I have read every single testimonial from every client of the month. People’s stories and journeys inspire me, and there have been some amazing accomplishments at this gym. So I thought I had a long way to go before something as amazing as being ‘client of the month’ could ever happen to me. To say that I’m stoked is a complete understatement.
My thoughts can be divided into ‘why I joined’ Corefit and ‘why I stay’.
Why I joined:
I give 200% to everything I do. So in the years prior to joining Corefit (particularly the 8 or so years preceding 2017) I was giving 200% to bringing my 2 precious little people into the world, and to being their mum; 200% to completing my PhD; 200% to whatever part-time jobs I’d find that I could do when the kids were asleep; 200% to being a wife, daughter, sister, friend….
The only thing/person I wasn’t giving 200% to, was myself.
I completed my studies at the end of 2016 and at the start of 2017, the younger of my two babies started school. But in January of 2017 I was thrust into a tremendously difficult personal situation that, as unjust and as painful as it was, forced me to shift my perspective regarding how I view and treat myself. My silver lining in this terrible storm was that I decided to give myself the gift of self care. I explored a few exercise options, but Corefit ads kept popping up on my Facebook, and I was curious. With my youngest now at school, it truly seemed like it could be a fit, so I did a consult, joined immediately (my membership was my birthday gift to myself) and I’ve never looked back.
Why I stay:
Pre kids I’d always done some form of exercise. Pilates, yoga, pump and RPM were my favourites. I never quite felt at home in any of the centres I attended, and that impacted on my consistency. After having kids I picked up running because running is cheap (all you need are shoes and yourself) and because of the flexibility it afforded.
So when I decided to carve out some space to care for myself, I knew that exercise needed to be one of the things I made provisions for in my life. I love that Corefit offers small group sessions and an authentic sense and feeling of community. There are no attitudes at this gym. No superstars. Just a team of people working hard together at becoming our best selves. We get to know each other by name and everyone is truly lovely. It’s truly a safe place for me to just come and be myself – to workout at my pace without judgement.
I love the exercises – no two sessions are the same, all are challenging and fun. There’s always some fun community event to look forward to.
Due to genetics I have an oddly designed right leg which has meant lots of foot and knee issues for me. My trainers worked with the advice of my physiotherapist, and exercises have been modified so that I can still have a great workout every single session without exacerbating the injuries. The trainers are all professional, knowledgeable, personable, experienced, skilled and genuinely caring. I love that they encourage feedback and in so doing got to know me, then they push me when necessary to always get me MY best result. They’ve supported me through dietary changes as I try to jumpstart my sluggish metabolism.
I have become fitter, I have more energy, I’m stronger and more capable physically and emotionally. I’ve lost a few kilos, smashed some PB’s I never imagined I would, and I’ve become more confident.
I truly enjoy showing up at to the gym and I happily give 200% to this!
It’s one of the highlights of my week!
Thanks to the CoreFit team for deliberately creating and maintaining every element that sets our gym apart in the very best ways.”