“I had no idea when I started with Corefit what a big part of my life they would be, how I would be caught up in the vision, and how much I would grow.
I have been trying to work out exactly when that first class was – was it 2012 or 2013? Dan and Ali were newlyweds living around the corner and starting out on their new business.
I had recently taken up rowing and wanted to build up my strength. I run a small business too, and partly as a social and partly to support a good cause, I signed up to Corefit with Genevieve and Belinda, two of my daughters.
Those days we used to meet at Highfields and run up and down the cliff – maybe 6 or 8 of us. On rainy winter days Dan would text to cancel and we could gratefully roll over and stay in bed!
Scrolling through Facebook later looking for dates, past all the little highlights that are fun to record, the holidays, the friends, the adventures, even the spic new outfits on nights out, I realised that so much of what I love doing over these last years has been underpinned by being a CoreFitter. Having a positive attitude, learning to get up and go when I could think of a thousand reasons not to, having energy enough for adventures and adventure holidays, and having a wonderful group of friends with the same interest in a healthy lifestyle as me.
In time friends Sally and Sue started coming along and they are now diehards as well! I’m still nowhere near fit enough or strong enough and I’ll never enjoy getting out of bed, but I know I’m in the right place to work on those things!!
Last Saturday I arrived at Blackbutt Parkrun in my Corefit T-shirt and ran into Naomi in matching gear..watch out everyone, we’re heading on out!! today Newcastle, tomorrow the world!!”
Fiona Wallace