Read any book out there on what it takes to be successful in any area of your life, and the majority will tell you that it’s your thoughts and your mindset that determine success or failure.
Your inner world (your thoughts and beliefs) will determine your outer world (what’s actually happening in reality).
If you fully believe that you’re capable of change, committing to the process, and of creating the body of your dreams, you’ll do it.
But if any part of you inside is saying “yeah, but probably not for x, y, and z reasons,” you won’t do it.
The universe does NOT like mixed messages. You simply cannot SAY you want something but THINK that it’s not actually possible and expect it to work.
So, what are your beliefs today about what’s possible for your body and for your life? Do your beliefs match the desires you express?
Aligning your beliefs with your desires is the first step in creating whatever you want in any area of life.
If you’re ready to work on your beliefs around health and fitness and ready for change then get in touch today!