So many people think that starting or “being good” on a weight loss journey involves giving up dining out.
And that is simply NOT true!
Sure, you can control what’s in your food way more at home, but it doesn’t mean that going out – even a few times a week – is off the table.
Here are 10 principles that you can easily follow that will continue to support your health and fitness goals:
- Decide before you go – looking at the menu ahead of time and making a healthy choice can be a game changer. That way, you don’t even have to open the menu and face temptation.
- Whatever protein you order, make sure it’s grilled, baked, or broiled.
- If you’re having an appetiser, choose a salad with vinegar-based dressing.
- Order all sauces and dressings on the side.
- Indulge in one thing only – either a glass of wine or a few bites of a dessert or bread.
- Ask for vegetables to come steamed.
- Drink a good amount of water before arriving to the restaurant and when you sit down to curb hunger.
- Ask for “extras” like bread, chips, etc. not be brought to the table.
- Don’t feel guilty asking for substitutions.
- Don’t feel pressure to eat all of your food – it’s ok to have leftovers!
I love going out to eat as much as the next person, so I hope that these guidelines help you enjoy that part of life while still staying on track with your health and fitness!
And as always, if you know you need more support, guidance, and accountability, I got you. Click here, and let me know.