4 things to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed - Corefit Newcastle

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with everything that’s going on in your life that you don’t know where to start?  Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

These 4 tips will help you get on top of the whelm factor!

  1. Take a deep breath and relax: When we’re feeling overwhelmed, our stress levels are usually high. Taking a few deep breaths can help to calm us down and clear our mind. 
  2. Make a plan: A lot of the time, feeling overwhelmed is caused by having too many things to do and no clear plan on how to do them. Making a simple plan can help take the pressure off and make the task at hand feel more manageable. 
  3. Delegate: If there are tasks that don’t need to be done by you, delegate them! There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it, and chances are someone else would love to lend a helping hand. 
  4. Take a break: Sometimes the best way to deal with feeling overwhelmed is to take some time for yourself. Relax, do something fun, and give yourself the chance to recharge so you can tackle everything head-on once again!

The four things we’ve outlined should help to get you started on the path to feeling more in control and less overwhelmed. But if you want some extra support, we’re here for you, just reach out, www.corefitnewcastle.com.au 


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