6 ways to be effortlessly more active - Corefit Newcastle

Bed – Car – Desk – Car – Dinner Table – Couch – Bed

That’s a typical day for your average Australian.

We work hard and sit hard.

I wouldn’t be the first person to tell you that chronic sitting can literally kill you over time.

And even if you exercise regularly, not getting enough movement throughout your day otherwise is still very harmful.

So today, I wanted to share a few ways that you can nearly effortlessly get more movement into your daily life:

  • Always take the stairs (a tried and true method!)
  • Park at the back of the lot so you have to walk further to get into the shops
  • Use TV time productively – whether you stretch while watching your favourite shows or use the commercial breaks to get in some squats and sit-ups
  • Choose standing over sitting when you can
  • Set a timer that reminds you to get up from your desk and move around every hour
  • Meet with friends and family for walking dates rather than lunches and dinners

Which of these are you already doing consistently and which are your greatest areas of opportunity?

Consistent daily effort with these things can add up to BIG results or detrimental consequences – like a longer life or an early death.

Let’s get to it!

And of course, if you’ve not been doing much in the movement department for a while and you know you need help making a change, that’s exactly what we do here at CoreFit.

Simply click here to we can be in touch and chat about what you might need to get started!


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