Client of the Month - Corefit Newcastle

We admire the unwavering dedication of Michelle to training each week which is why she is our client of the month!


Which program are you part of at CoreFit? Small Group

What training, if any, did you do before starting with CoreFit? none for quite a while

What inspired you to reach out to CoreFit to get started? Poor physical condition.

Whats the #1 thing you’ve noticed in yourself since starting? Improved physical and mental strength. It’s been a couple of years since I started down the CoreFit path having never felt so unfit in all my life and after the first few sessions during a hot summer I thought this is either going to kill me or make me stronger.

Fortunately it has made me stronger not just in body but in mind.

Thanks to Ali, Dan and their team of skilled and supportive trainers I have never felt so fit or strong, it has been a hard slog at times but I’m really glad I’ve stuck with it because the rewards are immeasurable.

What do you enjoy most about training with CoreFit? I’ve enjoyed the small group atmosphere the comradely and the opportunity of new friendships.

It’s been great to be part of a group that support, encourage and push each other to keep achieving and reach new goals and at the same time have a good laugh along the way.

So from the bottom of my smelly socks ,thank you to all at CoreFit

What’s your number #1 piece of advice for anyone looking to start their fitness journey? Don’t dwell and doubt, get up and do.


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