Client of the Month - Corefit Newcastle
Sjanie Griffiths

“I’m flying through my roaring 40s and finally I’ve figured out a few things about myself that aren’t easy to live with. 

Mainly that if I want something to happen then I have to make it happen, it’s up to me, and that “adulting” is hard work. 

Obviously health and fitness come into this because I don’t want to be a big unmovable blob on my couch waiting for the fitness fairy to tap me on the shoulder and solve all my problems in one go. Where’s the challenge in that?

I joined Corefit years ago and although I moan and groan a lot (mostly for dramatic effect) through the sessions, I really love them. 

My work has me standing on my feet all day and if I didn’t stay fit I would be a crumbling mess. Speaking of choc chip cookies I love that Corefit look at whole body health and fitness, the before and after session lifestyle choices too. And MINDSET. Choose to move. Choose to push yourself into your un-comfort zone. Keep trying. 

See, I have learnt something. I’ve learnt that I can challenge my mind and body and feel good about it. 

Oh, and if you want free karaoke with your sessions I’ll be at Lambton High in the bright and early mornings.”

Sjanie Griffiths


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